Thursday, December 27, 2007


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend your entire Christmas day in the ER?
Well, I never did either, but I found out what it felt like this year, even though I did not ask for it.

I had toenail surgery the Wednesday before Christmas. The toe became inflamed and infected. I have a long history of diabetes and ambutations in my family, so I did not want to fool around with infection of the feet.

My wonderful husband and daughter saw to it that I sought care and stayed with me in a small cubicle all day. There was a lot of heartbreak that day for many people as the doctors came and went, making some pretty serious diagnosis on certain patients and announcing it to the world for all to hear their most heart wrenching fate and painful conclusions. Many more were vomiting incessantly and could not even sit, but knelt on the floor in a fetal position to try to stave off the pain.

I thanked the Lord that day for my pain, being so much more insignificant than those we left behind as we drove home to our wonderful family and friends.

God Bless you and please thank the good Lord tonight for having your health.
I hope your Christmas was Blessed.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Donna and Terry have started their adventures in Riverdale MD with their lovely daughter Jules and her wonderful husband and son, James and Seamus.